Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Great Halloween Costume!

Tuesday I did 8 miles at 8:05 pace which represented a new best. I think I'm getting this finally. Last night I attempted 15 at get-er-done pace but I bailed at 12 mainly because I didn't start till after 5:30 and as slow as I move sans shoes it was getting too late to keep moving. Tonight I am thinking I might want to bike instead. We'll see. I'm definitely not in premiere marathon condition. As we get closer to the Screaming Pumpkin, I started searching for Costume ideas. Heres a great one! Bumble!!!!!! Watch how this guy actually changes back into a Camaro; too cool!


1 comment:

Matt S. said...

Keep you focus, stay positive, bike on the side. You'll get there champ! I have no doubt in my mind.